Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Here she is

I need to write down all the details so that her birth doesn't become all muddled in with Laney's. We are all healthy and my little GIRL arrived at the end of June! It was love. We said right from the start that we thought it was a girl, although, I was thrown off at the end by an ultrasound tech who said "lil fella" so I thought boy for the last two weeks.



I must say that I was terrified of going from one to two, but this hasn't seemed like too bad an adjustment at all. Maybe having a colicky first baby is a good thing because Neve's fussiness is no problem so far.

Laney is in love. It was a bit of an adjustment at first, but she has done great. She is so protective and sometimes tries to keep other people away from her.

I almost never put Neve down. I remember how quickly time flew with Laney so I have let a lot of things slide around the house. Housework will wait for me. Thank goodness for my moby wrap so I can hold her and play with Laney.

I am so happy.

Oh, and since I barely ever post, we get to skip right ahead to the smiles. Neve smiled exactly at one month which is way earlier than her big sister.

* Just an update, I've decided I don't want to use my kids' proper names on here so I've decided to call them by their nicknames on the blog instead.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Come on labour

When I was pregnant with Laney I was attending school full time. I wasn't ready when she arrived at 37 weeks and 3 days. I didn't have that "I'm so done with pregnancy moment" that I've heard so many mums talk about.

Until this time.

I assumed I'd probably be a little early with this one since they say you usually are earlier with each one.

Well this is me today at 39 weeks and 3 days.

The nursery is ready. I'm ready. Oh and my first little one broke her leg two weeks ago (buckle fracture) and she's walking again now.

I've been having false contractions and signs for over a week now. I'm scared that the longer it takes the more the doctor is going to start pushing for an induction and I don't want that pitocin this time.

I'm so ready to meet this little one.

Oh and this little one was supposed to be a surprise but the doctor sent me for an ultrasound last week and made a slip-up. She corrected herself but I'm pretty sure I know what the baby is now. It has made this past week extremely hard to not tell Mike or anyone else since I still want him to be surprised.

Here's hoping for baby soon

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Guess What?

Well I had a post all written when I was once again six weeks pregnant. I'm a little further along than that now. I am 35 weeks to be precise.

This pregnancy is almost identical to my pregnancy with Laney. I got pregnant the first cycle after miscarriage, which seems to be the only way for me to carry the baby. There was one major difference, however, I almost lost this one too. I had a threatened miscarriage at 9 weeks and I was sure it was over. When I saw that beating heart on the ultrasound I couldn't believe it. It turns out that I had a blood clot behind the placenta.

We don't know if it is a boy or a girl but we are so excited as my due date gets closer.
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